African Lounge @Eskusplosion 12h


Eskus – Performance Center organises Eskusplosion12h festival on 23.–24.5.2015 (18:00–06:00) in Suvilahti, Helsinki. At the heart of the event is the African Lounge, hosted by West African musicians. It will be a good place come back to and discuss the mind-blowing experiences of Eskusplosion.15-eskusp-finalposter

Eskusplosion is an open and experimental festival of live art and a celebration of togetherness. Performances, non-performances, acts and rituals in and around the Eskus premises in the spirit of “Anything goes”! Food, music and dancing are also on offer.

Performers and such have been called upon with a registration form (below). The call has been well responded to. It is still possible to send in proposals, however. Things can also be done during the event in suitable areas without prior notice.

Welcome to join – as performer, audience or both!

The invitation can be spread too.

More info:

Producer: Toni Ledentsa / toni.ledentsa(at)
Production assistant: Travis Nurminen / travis.nurminen(at)
Tel: +358 (0)45 144 3948


Suvilahti, Puhdistamo, building 6, 2. floor
Kaasutehtaankatu 1 / 33, 00540 Helsinki

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Registration form:

Eskus pohjapiirros / Eskus floor plan: